Sunday, January 31, 2010

{Project 52} 1/52

Ok, well it really should be Project 365 but let's face it, I'm going to set myself up for failure if I even attempt to take pictures every day.  As much as I would love to, I know I'm not going to have the time... so I'm doing what a lot of people on the Flickr and photography community are doing and starting a Project 52... you take pictures once a week for an entire year.  It's not only supposed to get you practicing but also to document the year and get you to try new techniques.  I hope I can learn a lot and keep it up.  So.... at least by every Sunday I will try to have a new picture up that I tried for my project that week.  For my first week, I used my favorite subject... James!  He's nearly 4 months old already!

I've been wanting to put together some portable studio equipment at home for the sole purpose of taking pictures of James... but after figuring out what lighting equipment I need and finding the lens I want to buy... I realized I need to go back to work first before I purchase them!  So today, I did things the poor man way... I opened the blinds and put a solid blanket over a chair and put James in it!  I'm so happy he smiled for me.  I think I needed to use a reflector to eliminate the shadows you see on the right side of his face... perhaps I'll try that next time!

Thanks for stopping by! :)







Saturday, January 30, 2010

Parents never cease to amaze me....

Yes, I know I need to train my dogs.  BoBo (the miniature pinscher) is a complete ass and he's mean.  I know this.  He is a very fiesty little guy and very protective... its in his nature.  BoBo likes three people on this planet... me, Jake, and James.  He will learn to like others if they are in the house, but it will take time at first (ask Luke!)  Everyone else is a threat to him because he feels the need to guard us.

However, I still do not understand how you as a parent can let your child come up to a dog and want to play and touch it.  I'm trying to pull my dog back and telling your kid "no no" and you just stand there and smile because you think it's funny (for some strange reason) that a dog is choking itself on the leash because he's so pissed that a stranger is coming towards me.  Then my dog tries to take a snap at your kid for putting his hand near his face, your kid starts crying because he's scared, and then you give me the look of "go eat shit and die you monster" as you finally pull your kid away!  I'm shocked!!  I'm minding my own business lady, just walking my dogs and trying to get back upstairs to my apartment.  I'm sorry we have to be in passing, I even try and cross the road and wait for you to come outside the gate before I come in... yet for some reason you're an IDIOT and don't give a damn while your kid comes running up to pet my dogs!  How about when my dog actually bites your kid?  Now, I have to put my dog to sleep and I have a lawsuit over my head when if you were monitoring your child as I'm trying to control my animal this would have never happened?  (yes, i know at times many moms will say its almost the same... its not... dogs are dogs... children are human beings... dogs instinctively are protective and will guard... mothers and fathers should do the same with their young.)

I understand my dogs are small and cute, but that does NOT mean that they are approachable.  Please, teach your children to be wary of any animal, big or small, because you don't know the nature of this animal and it's better to be safe than sorry.  When I had my dobermans, they wouldn't hurt a fly, and everyone was frightened of them.  Now I have two small dogs, and everyone wants to pet them and they are very unfriendly dogs.  Living in this condo, I deal with this DAILY... and yes, its embarrassing that I can't take my dog on a walk without him wanting to bite someone that walks next to me and i'm working on it... but do me a favor and monitor your child and don't let him just run up to my dogs and want to play.  They DON'T want to play back!

I am responsible and keep my dog on a leash for safety reasons... dare I say put a leash on your chlid for the same???

Oh, and please, if we so happen to be on the elevator together, don't just stare at BoBo and smile and think its funny when he barks at you.  You moron, don't you know that animals HATE to be stared at straight in the eyes?  So you can imagine that its torture for this little beast to have some stranger in close proximity to his master and just staring.  Please, I'm asking nicely...stare at the celing or something... don't aggravate him anymore than he already has been.

In the meantime, I will work on training my dog....  ONLY if you work on training your kid....

Hope I didn't offend anyone with this rant... no wait... this is my blog and exactly why I wanted a blog... so I can say what I want without getting banned.  Sweet!!!  (no but seriously, my intention was to not offend anyone, only make everyone more aware!)

Friday, January 29, 2010

I told myself I wasn't going to be one of those moms...

I told myself lots of times that I wouldn't let James watch any of those stupid kids tv shows they have out now... and of course... I do it anyway because its so hot outside during the day and I've run out of things to do with a 4 month old who cannot sit up or talk yet.  So, with that being said... James just has to love the most retarded  show since Teletubbies......Yo Gabba Gabba on Nick Jr.  It comes on for one whole hour in the morning and its become a daily routine.  He loves it when DJ Lance Rocks says "Yoooo Gabba Gabbaaaaa!" and his favorite character is Muno, the red cyclops.  How do I know?  He smiles and squeals when he sees them, and then during the rest of the show he will "talk."  I will have to get out the video camera and record him doing it... its hilarious!

For those who haven't seen Yo Gabba Gabba before.... here's a clip from one of the episodes that James really liked:  the little green guy is Brobie and he's a little on the slow side (trust me, I've been doing my research... haha)

(....kill me now....)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


funny pictures of cats with captions
Instead of trolling various forums in order to discuss the news and personal reviews... and instead of trying to update and stay current with mulitiple networking sites, I've decided to create a blog--- a one stop place where I can post updates, give opinions, share pictures, and ramble about whatever else I have on my mind! I'm going to try to keep this updated as much as possible... so subscribe if you want!  Thanks for visiting!