Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm back...

Updating is going to be harder than I thought... so much has been going on in our lives in the past couple months, and even more recently in the past few weeks.  Despite unfortunate family situations back in the U.S, and hustling to find new childcare at the last minute, I think my life is finally back on track and I'm hoping to start keeping this blog current.

First... James!  I know everyone wants an update on him.  He will be 6 months old next week, and he is growing like a weed!  He is so much fun to be around and I love every moment I get to spend with him.  He is doing well on his tummy and is rolling over.  He just started eating at his high chair and snacking on baby cereals and bananas.  He is currently going to Ms. Theresa's house everyday while I am at work. She is another CDH provider and he is doing excellent!  She is such a nice lady and James adores her!  Although she told us yesterday that her husband is getting deployed and that she is moving, we are happy to have been able to know her and happy that she was able to care for James, even though it was for a short time.  James will be starting group daycare at the Navy CDC on April 5th, and we are very happy about that.  I'm so glad he will be able to start interacting with other babies his own age and learning and developing his little talents and abilities while we are at work everyday.  James is laughing, cooing (saying ga-ga-ga-ga, da-da-da-da-, and other bird calling sounds!)  He sleeps through the night every night (usually I have to wake him up in the morning) and is rarely fussy.  I couldn't have asked for a better baby!!  So much fun!

As for me, I am back to work full time.  I am really enjoying it.  I recently had a week long Advanced Master Planning course with the Army Corps of Engineers and learned so much from it.  I will be headed to Yokosuka, Japan in May to attend a ESRI sponsored GIS course, and my supervisor is letting me extend my stay in Japan to do a career rotation at NAVFAC Far East!!  I am so excited!  I'm not sure how long I will stay (not sure how long I can part from James) but the opportunity to be involved with some of the master planning in Japan and Korea will be amazing!  James will have his passport by then, so hopefully Jacob and James will come and visit me on the weekends, its only a 3 hour flight.  I have found some great graduate courses via Northern Arizona University's distance program that I would like to attend, so I plan to work on those.  Managing my ADHD has been somewhat challenging since I've started work but hopefully I can get the medication dosage correct again (my body changed so much after James!)  Photography is going well, wish I had more time to dedicate to it but its just a hobby so whenever I can!

Jacob is doing great as well.  He has submitted his OCS package and is just waiting to hear back, probably this summer.  He has really gotten into playing golf, pretty much what he spends the weekend doing!  Hopefully we will try and get scuba certified pretty soon!

Well, here's a couple of pictures of James!  Cheers!

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